Erityisesti aivovammojen osalta – Olli Tenovuo                                                                          (päivitetty 4.2.2022)


Tutkinnot: LL 1981, neurologian erikoislääkäri 1989, LKT 1992, kivunhoidon erityispätevyys 1999, kuntoutuksen erityispätevyys 2004, neurologian dosentti 2005, neurotraumatologian dosentti 2012, neurotraumatologian professori 2019


Kliininen kokemus aivovammoista


TYKS:ssa hoidettujen aivovammapotilaiden jälkiarvioinnin päävastuu 1993 alusta lähtien. Tänä aikana allekirjoittaneella arviossa tai hoidossa > 6000 aivovammapotilasta. Kaiken asteisia vammoja, akuutista vaiheesta kymmeniä vuosia sitten vammautuneisiin. Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin (VSSHP) aivovammakeskushankkeen johtaja 2007-. Kliininen opettaja Turun yliopisto lääketieteellinen tiedekunta, päävastuuna aivovammojen ja kuntoutuksen opetus 2003 -. VSSHP:n aivovammojen hoidon ylilääkäri 2011- ja VSSHP:n aivovammojen huippuyksikön johtaja 2017-. 

Tutkimustyö aivovammoista 

Aivovammojen tutkimusryhmän johtaja TYKS:ssa 1996 lähtien. Tutkimuskonsortioomme kuuluu 13 vanhempaa tutkijaa (joista 10 professoreita tai dosentteja), tutkimuskoordinaattori ja 34 nuorta tutkijaa, joista 9 allekirjoittaneen ohjauksessa väitöskirjan tekijänä. Konsortion jäsenet edustavat neurologiaa, neuroradiologiaa, neurokirurgiaa, neuroanestesiologiaa, psykiatriaa, neuropsykologiaa, kognitiivista neurotiedettä, PET-kuvantamista, kliinistä neurofysiologiaa, molekyylibiologiaa, biokemiaa ja biostatistiikkaa.  

Tutkimusrahoitus aivovammatutkimukseen v. 2005 jälkeen: kansainvälinen rahoitus n. 950 000 € ja kotimainen rahoitus n. 1 400 000 €.

Kansainväliset ansiot

  1. Euroopan Neurotraumatologisen yhdistyksen (EMN) jäsen 2005-.
  2. International Brain Injury Association (IBIA) jäsen 2007-.
  3. IBIAn julkaiseman “Brain Injury” tieteellisen aikakauslehden pysyvä asiantuntija 2007-.
  4. National Neurotrauma Society (USA) jäsen 2007-.
  5. IBIAn julkaiseman “Brain Injury” tieteellisen aikakauslehden toimitusneuvoston jäsen 2008-, apulaispäätoimittaja 2017-.
  6. Aivovammojen VII (IV/2008, Lissabon), VIII (IV/2010, Washington), IX (III/2012, Edinburgh), X (III/2014, San Francisco), XI (III/2016, Haag), XII (III/2017, New Orleans), XIII (III/19, Toronto) ja XIV (VII/21 Dublin) maailmankongressien tieteellisen suunnittelukomitean asiantuntijajäsen. 
  7. EU:n rahoittaman kansainvälisen ”TBIcare”-tutkimushankkeen kliininen koordinaattori 2011-2014.
  8. Kansainvälisen aivovammaliiton (IBIA) johtokunnan jäsen 2012-.
  9. Eurooppalaisen ”CENTER-TBI”-tutkimushankkeen työpakettijohtaja 2012-2021.
  10. Skandinaavisen Neurotraumakomitean jäsen 2014-.
  11. Useiden kansainvälisten tiedelehtien asiantuntija-arvioitsijana (yli 100 kertaa) aivovammoihin liittyvissä tieteellisissä julkaisuissa (mm. Lancet Neurology, Brain, Nature Reviews Neurology, Scientific Reports, Journal of Neurotrauma, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Brain Injury, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pain, European Journal of Neurology, Sports Medicine, NeuroImage, PLOS Medicine, BMC Medicine, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry)
  12. Asiantuntija-arvioitsijana useissa kansainvälisissä aivovammatutkimukseen liittyvissä rahoitushakemuksissa (mm. ERA-NET EU-rahoitus, Iso-Britannia, Hollanti, Espanja, Ranska, Sveitsi).
  13. Kansainvälisten aivovammakongressien järjestäjänä: 1st Turku Traumatic Brain Injury Symposium 2014, 2nd Turku Traumatic Brain Injury Symposium 2015, 1st Nordic Neurotrauma Conference 2017, 2nd Nordic Neurotrauma Conference 2019, 3rd Nordic Neurotrauma Conference 2022.
  14. International Brain Injury Associationin ja North American Brain Injury Societyn ammattilehden ”Brain Injury Professional” toimituskunnan jäsen 2018-.
  15. European Academy of Neurology, EAN Scientific Panel Neurotraumatology jäsen 2021-.


Alkuperäisjulkaisut aivovammoista kansainvälisissä lehdissä (otsikoista myös suomennos):


  1. Koponen S, Taiminen T, Portin R, Himanen L, Isoniemi H, Heinonen H, Hinkka S, Tenovuo O. Axis I and II psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury: a 30-year follow-up study. Am J Psychiatry 2002;159:1315-21. 
  2. Koponen S, Taiminen T, Kairisto V, Portin R, Isoniemi H, Hinkka S, Tenovuo O. ApoE e4 predicts dementia but not other psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury. Neurology 2004;63:749-51. 
  3. Himanen L, Portin R, Isoniemi H, Helenius H, Kurki T, Tenovuo O. Cognitive functions in relation to MRI findings 30 years after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 2005;19:93-100.
  4. Tenovuo O. Central acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of chronic traumatic brain injury – clinical experience in 111 patients. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2005;29:65-9. 
  5. Koponen S, Taiminen T, Honkalampi K, Viinamäki H, Kurki T, Portin R, Himanen L, Isoniemi H, Hinkka S, Tenovuo O. Alexithymia after traumatic brain injury: its relation to magnetic resonance imaging findings and psychiatric disorders. Psychosomatic Medicine 2005;67:807-12. 
  6. Himanen L, Portin R, Isoniemi H, Helenius H, Kurki T, Tenovuo O. Longitudinal cognitive changes in traumatic brain injury: a 30 year follow-up study. Neurology 2006;66:187-92. 
  7. Brandstack N, Kurki T, Tenovuo O, Isoniemi H. MR imaging of head trauma: Visibility of contusions and other intraparenchymal injuries in early and late stage. Brain Injury 2006;20:409-16. 
  8. Koponen S, Taiminen T, Kurki T, Portin R, Isoniemi H, Himanen L, Hinkka S, Salokangas RKR, Tenovuo O. MRI findings and axis I and II psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury: A 30-year retrospective follow-up study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2006;146:263-70. 
  9. Isoniemi H, Kurki T, Portin R, Kairisto V, Tenovuo O. Hippocampal volume, brain atrophy, and ApoE genotype after traumatic brain injury. Neurology 2006;67:756-760. 
  10. Isoniemi H, Tenovuo O, Portin R, Himanen L, Kairisto V. Outcome of traumatic brain injury after three decades - relationship to ApoE genotype. Journal of Neurotrauma 2006;23:1600-1608. 
  11. Hiekkanen H, Kurki T, Brandstack N, Kairisto V, Tenovuo O. MRI changes and APOE genotype, a prospective one-year follow-up of traumatic brain injury: a pilot study. Brain Injury 2007;21:1307-14. 
  12. Himanen L, Portin R, Tenovuo O, Taiminen T, Koponen S, Hiekkanen H, Helenius H. Attentional and depressive symptoms in chronic phase after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 2009;23:220-7. 
  13. Hiekkanen H, Kurki T, Brandstack N, Kairisto V, Tenovuo O. Association of injury severity, MRI results and ApoE genotype with one-year outcome in traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 2009;23:396-402. 
  14. Tenovuo O, Alin J, Helenius H. A randomized controlled trial of rivastigmine for chronic sequels of traumatic brain injury – what it showed and taught? Brain Injury 2009;23:548-58. 
  15. Laalo JP, Kurki TJ, Sonninen PH, Tenovuo OS. Reliability of diagnosis of traumatic brain injury by computed tomography in acute phase. Journal of Neurotrauma 2009;26:2169-78. 
  16. Brandstack NM, Kurki T, Tenovuo O. Diffusivity of normal appearing brain in acute traumatic brain injury. Clinical Neuroradiology 2011;21:75-82. 
  17. Himanen L, Portin R, Hämäläinen P, Hurme S, Tenovuo O. Risk factors for reduced survival after traumatic brain injury: a 30-year follow-up study. Brain Injury 2011;25:443-52.
  18. Koponen S, Taiminen T, Hiekkanen H, Tenovuo O. Axis I and II psychiatric disorders in patients with traumatic brain injury: a 12-month follow-up study. Brain Injury 2011;25:1029-34.
  19. Östberg A, Virta J, Rinne J, Oikonen V, Luoto P, Någren K, Arponen E, Tenovuo O. Cholinergic dysfunction after traumatic brain injury – preliminary findings from a PET study. Neurology 2011;76:1046-50.
  20. Olesen J, Gustavsson A, Svensson M, Wittchen HU, Jönsson B; CDBE2010 study group; European Brain Council. The cost of brain disorders in Europe. European Journal of Neurology 2012;19:155-62. 
  21. Tallus J, Lioumis P, Hämäläinen H, Kähkönen S, Tenovuo O. Long-lasting TMS motor threshold elevation in mild traumatic brain injury. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2012;126: 178-82. 
  22. Pöyry T, Luoto TM, Kataja A, Brander A, Tenovuo O, Iverson GL, Öhman J. Acute assessment of brain injuries in ground level falls. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2013;28:89-97. 
  23. Tuominen R, Joelsson P, Tenovuo O. Treatment costs and productivity losses caused by traumatic brain injuries. Brain Injury 2012;26:1697-701. 
  24. Luoto TM, Tenovuo O, Kataja A, Brander A, Öhman J, Iverson G. Who gets recruited in mild traumatic brain injury research? Journal of Neurotrauma 2013;30:11-6.
  25. Brandstack N, Kurki T, Tenovuo O. Quantitative diffusion tensor tractography of long association tracts in patients with traumatic brain injury without findings in routine MRI. Radiology 2013;267:231-9. 
  26. Tallus J, Lioumis P, Hämäläinen H, Kähkönen S, Tenovuo O. TMS–evoked EEG responses in recovered and symptomatic mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2013;30:1270-7.  
  27. Laalo J, Kurki T, Tenovuo O. Interpretation of MRI in the chronic phase of traumatic brain injury - What is missed in the original reports? Brain Injury 2014;28:66-70. 
  28. Luoto TM, Silverberg ND, Kataja A, Brander A, Tenovuo O, Öhman J, Iverson GL. Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT2) in a Civilian Trauma Sample with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2014;31:728-38.
  29. Östberg A, Tenovuo O. Smoking and outcome of traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 2014;28:155-60.
  30. Brandstack N, Kurki T, Laalo J, Kauko T, Tenovuo O. Reproducibility of tract-based and region of interest DTI analysis of long association tracts. Clinical Neuroradiology 2016;26:199-208. 
  31. Kurki T, Himanen L, Vuorinen E, Myllyniemi A, Saarenketo A-R, Kauko T, Tenovuo O. Diffusion tensor tractography-based analysis of the cingulum: clinical utility and findings in traumatic brain injury. Neuroradiology 2014;56:833-41 
  32. Luoto TM, Iverson GL, Losoi H, Wäljas M, Tenovuo O, Kataja A, Brander A, Lehtimäki T, Öhman J. Clinical significance of retrograde amnesia in mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 2015;29:565-72. 
  33. Lloyd J, Wilson ML, Tenovuo O, Saarijärvi S. Outcomes from mild and moderate traumatic brain injuries among children and adolescents: A systematic review of studies from 2008 – 2013. Brain Injury 2015;29:539-49. 
  34. Takala RS, Posti JP, Runtti H, Newcombe VF, Outtrim J, Katila AJ, Frantzén J, Ala-Seppälä H, Kyllönen A, Maanpää HR, Tallus J, Hossain MI, Coles JP, Hutchinson P, van Gils M, Menon DK, Tenovuo O. GFAP and UCH-L1 as outcome predictors in traumatic brain injury. World Neurosurg 2016:87:8-20
  35. Välimäki M, Korkeila J, Kauppi KE, Kaakinen J, Holm S, Vahlo J, Tenovuo O, Hämäläinen H, Sarajuuri J, Rantanen P, Orenius T, Koponen A. Digital Gaming Used to Improve the Functioning of People With Traumatic Brain Injury: a Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2016;5(1):e6.
  36. Åstrand R, Rosenlund C, Undén J, Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC). Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of minimal, mild and moderate head injury in children. BMC Medicine 2016;14:33. 
  37. Posti JP, Katila AJ, Takala RSK, Runtti H, Newcombe V, Outtrim J, Frantzén J, Ala-Seppälä H, Coles JP, Hossain MI, Kyllönen A, Maanpää H-R, Tallus J, Hutchinson PJ, van Gils M, Menon DK, Tenovuo O; TBIcare investigators. The levels of GFAP and UCH-L1 during the first week after a traumatic brain injury: correlations with clinical and imaging findings. Neurosurgery 2016;79:456-64. 
  38. Liedes H, Mattila J, Lingsma H, Lötjönen J, Menon D, Tenovuo O, van Gils M. Prediction of Outcome after Traumatic Brain Injury: Comparison of Disease State Index and IMPACT Calculator. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2016;224:175-80. 
  39. Ala-Seppälä H, Heino I, Frantzén J, Takala RSK, Katila AJ, Kyllönen A, Maanpää H-R, Posti JP, Tallus J, Tenovuo O. Injury profiles, demography and representativeness of 203 TBI patients. Brain Injury 2016;30:1062-7. 
  40. Cnossen MC, Polinder S, Lingsma HF, Maas AIR, Menon D, Steyerberg EW, CENTER-TBI investigators. Variation in Structure and Process of Care in Traumatic Brain Injury: Provider Profiles of European Neurotrauma Centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. PLosOne 2016;11:e0161367
  41. Orešič M, Posti JP, Kamstrup-Nielsen MH, Takala RSK, Lingsma HS, Mattila I, Jäntti S, Katila AJ, Carpenter KLH, Ala-Seppälä H, Kyllönen A, Maanpää H-R, Tallus J, Coles JP, Heino J, Frantzén J, Hutchinson PJ, Menon DK, Tenovuo O, Hyötyläinen T. Human serum metabolites associate with severity and patient outcomes in traumatic brain injury. EBioMedicine 2016;12:118-26.
  42. Östberg A, Virta J, Rinne JO, Oikonen V, Luoto P, Någren K, Arponen E, Tenovuo O. Brain cholinergic function and response to rivastigmine in patients with chronic sequels of traumatic brain injury – a PET study. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2018;33:25-32.
  43. Posti JP, Hossain MI, Takala RSK, Liedes H, Newcombe V, Outtrim J, Katila AJ, Frantzén J, Ala-Seppälä H, Coles JP, Kyllönen A, Maanpää H-R, Tallus J, Hutchinson PJ, van Gils M, Menon DK, Tenovuo O. GFAP and UCH-L1 are not specific biomarkers for mild CT-negative traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2017 Jan 27 [Epub ahead of print]
  44. Wilson ML, Tenovuo O, Mattila V, Gisler M, Celedonia KL, Impinen A, Saarijärvi S. Pediatric TBI in Finland: an examination of hospital discharges (1998-2012). European Journal of Pediatric Neurology 2017;21:374-81.
  45. Mohammadian M, Roine T, Hirvonen J, Kurki T, Ala-Seppälä H, Frantzén J, Katila A, Kyllönen A, Maanpää H-R, Posti J, Takala R, Tallus J, Tenovuo O. High angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging in mild traumatic brain injury. Neuroimage: Clinical 2016;13:174-180.
  1. Cnossen MC, Lingsma HF, Tenovuo O, Maas AIR, Menon D, Steyerberg EW, Ribbers GM, Polinder S, CENTER-TBI investigators. Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury: A survey in 70 European neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2017;49:395-401.
  2. Foks KA, Cnossen MC, Dippel DWJ, Maas A, Menon D, van der Naalt J, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma H, Polinder S, CENTER-TBI investigators. Management of mild traumatic brain injury at the emergency department and hospital admission in Europe: A survey of 71 neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Journal of Neurotrauma 2017 Apr 11 (Epub ahead of print).
  3. Huijben JA, van der Jagt M, Cnossen MC, Kruip MJHA, Haitsma I, Stocchetti N, Maas A, Menon D, Ercole A, Maegele M, Stanworth SJ, Citerio G, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma H, CENTER-TBI investigators. Variation in blood transfusion and coagulation management in Traumatic Brain Injury at the Intensive Care Unit: A survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. J Neurotrauma 2017 Nov 21 [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Cnossen MC, Huijben JA, van der Jagt M, Volovici V, van Essen T, Polinder S, Nelson D, Ercole A, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, Peul WC, Maas AIR, Menon D, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF; CENTER-TBI investigators. Variation in monitoring and treatment policies for intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Critical Care2017;21:233.
  5. Vande Vyvere T, de la Rosa E, Wilms G, Nieboer D, Steyerberg EW, Maas A, Verheyden J, van den Hauwe L, Parizel PM, CENTER-TBI Investigators and Participants. Prognostic Validation of the NINDS Standardized Pathoanatomic Terms and Definitions for the Reporting of Acute Traumatic Brain Injuries: A CENTER-TBI study. Journal of Neurotrauma 2020;37:1269-82.
  6. Thomas I, Dickens A, Posti J, Mohammadian M, Ledig C, Takala R, Hyötyläinen T, Tenovuo O, Oresic M. Integrative analysis of circulating metabolite profiles and magnetic resonance imaging metrics in patients with traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:E1395
  7. Robba C, Galimberti S, Graziano F, Wiegers EJA, Lingsma HF, Iaquaniello C, Stocchetti N, Menon D, Citerio G; CENTER-TBI ICU Participants and Investigators. Tracheostomy practice and timing in traumatic brain-injured patients: a CENTER-TBI study. Intensive Care Medicine 2020;46:983-94.
  8. Zeiler FA, Aries M, Cabeleira M, van Essen TA, Stocchetti N, Menon DK, Timofeev I, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, Hutchinson P, Ercole A; CENTER-TBI High Resolution ICU (HR ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Statistical cerebrovascular reactivity signal properties after secondary decompressive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI pilot analysis. Journal of Neurotrauma 2020;37:1556-65.
  9. Hujiben JA, Wiegers EJA, Lingsma HF, Citerio G, Maas AJR, Menon DK, Ercole A, Nelson D, van der Jagt M, Steyerberg EW, Helbok R, Lecky F, Peul W, Birg T, Zoerle T, Carnonara M, Stocchetti N, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Changing care pathways and between-center practice variations in intensive care for traumatic brain injury across Europe: a CENTER-TBI analysis. Intensive Care Medicine 2020;46:995-1004.
  10. Huijben JA, Wiegers EJA, Ercole A, de Keizer NF, Maas AIR, Steyerberg EW, Coterio G, Wilson L, Polinder S, Nieboer D, Menon D, Lingsma HF, van der Jagt M; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants for the ICU stratum. Quality indicators for patients with traumatic brain injury in European intensive care units: a CENTER-TBI study. Critical Care 2020;24:78.
  11. Gravesteijn BY, Nieboer D, Ercole A, Lingsma HF, Nelson D, van Calster B, Steyerberg EW; CENTER-TBI collaborators. Machine learning algorithms performed no better than regression models for prognostication in traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2020;122:95-107.
  12. Tolonen A, Särkelä MOK, Takala RSK, Katila A, Frantzén J, Posti JP, Müller M, van Gils M, Tenovuo O. Quantitative EEG features for prediction of outcome in severe traumatic brain injury. Clinical EEG & Neuroscience 2018;49:248-57.
  13. Ledig C, Kamnitsas K, Koikkalainen J, Posti J, Takala R, Katila AJ, Frantzén J, Ala-Seppälä H, Kyllönen A, Maanpää H-R, Tallus J, Lötjönen J, Glocker B, Tenovuo O, Rueckert D. Regional brain morphometry in patients with traumatic brain injury based on acute- and chronic-phase magnetic resonance imaging. PloS One 2017 Nov 28;12(11):e0188152
  14. Välimäki M, Mishina K, Kaakinen JK, Holm SK, Vahlo J, Kirjonen M, Pekurinen V, Tenovuo O, Korkeila J, Hämäläinen H, Sarajuuri J, Rantanen P, Orenius T, Koponen A. Digital Gaming for Improving the Functioning of People with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Clinical Feasibility Study. J Med Internet Res 2018 Mar19;20:e77
  15. Wilson M, Tenovuo O, Gissler M, Saarijärvi S. Association between parent mental health and pediatric TBI: Epidemiological observations from the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort. Injury Prevention 2019;25:283-9. 
  16. Tverdal CB, Howe EI, Røe C, Helseth E, Lu J, Tenovuo O, Andelic N. Traumatic brain injury: Patient experience and satisfaction with discharge from trauma hospital. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2018;50:505-13. 
  17. Tarvonen-Schröder S, Tenovuo O, Kaljonen A, Laimi K. Usability of World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) in chronic traumatic brain injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2018;50:514-8. 
  18. Posti JP, Yli-Olli M, Heiskanen L, Aitasalo KMJ, Rinne J, Vuorinen V, Serlo W, Tenovuo O, Vallittu PK, Piitulainen JM. Cranioplasty after severe traumatic injury: effects of trauma and patient recovery on cranioplasty outcome. Frontiers in Neurology 2018;9:223.
  19. Huijben JA, Volovici V, Cnossen MC, Haitsma IK, Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A, Citerio G, Nelson D, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF, van der Jagt M; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Variation in general supportive and preventive intensive care management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Critical Care2018;22:90 
  20. Umer A, Mattila J, Liedes H, Koikkalainen J, Kulju M, Lötjönen J, van Gils M, Tenovuo O, Menon D. A Decision Support System for Diagnostics and Treatment Planning in Traumatic Brain Injury. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2019;23:1261-8. 
  21. Uski J, Lamusuo S, Teperi S, Löyttyniemi E, Tenovuo O. Mortality after traumatic brain injury and the effect of posttraumatic epilepsy. Neurology 2018;91:e878-83. 
  22. Dickens AM, Posti JP, Takala RSK, Ala-Seppälä H, Mattila I, Coles JP, Frantzén J, Hutchinson PJ, Katila AJ, Maanpää H-R, Newcombe V, Outtrim J, Tallus J, Carpenter KLH, Menon DK, Hyötyläinen T, Tenovuo O, Orešič M. Serum metabolites associate with CT findings following TBI. Journal of Neurotrauma 2018;35:2673-83. 
  23. Tarvonen-Schröder S, Tenovuo O, Kaljonen A, Laimi K. Comparing disability between traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury using the 12-item WHODAS 2.0 and the WHO Minimal Generic Set. Clinical Rehabilitation 2018;32:1676-83. 
  24. van Veen E, van der Jagt M, Cnossen MC, Maas AIR, de Beaufort ID, Menon DK, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Rietdijk WJR, van Dijck JTJM, Kompanje EJO; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Brain death and postmortem organ donation: report of a questionnaire from the CENTER-TBI study. Critical Care 2018;22:306. 
  25. Hossain I, Mohammadian M, Takala RSK, Tenovuo O, Lagerstedt L, Ala-Seppälä H, Frantzén J, van Gils M, Hutchinson P, Katila AJ, Maanpää H-R, Menon DK, Newcombe VF, Tallus J, Blennow K, Sanchez J-C, Zetterberg H, Posti JP. Early levels of GFAP and NF-L in predicting the outcome of mild TBI. Journal of Neurotrauma 2019;36:1551-60. 
  26. Jourdan C, Bahrami S, Azouvi P, Tenovuo O. Practitioner’s opinions on traumatic brain injury care pathways in Finland and France: different organizations, common issues. Brain Injury 2019;33:205-11. 
  27. van Essen TA, den Boogert HF, Cnossen MC, et al. Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Acta Neurochirurgica 2019;161:435-49. 
  28. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, et al. Comparison of performance of different optimal cerebral perfusion pressure parameters for outcome prediction in adult traumatic brain injury: A collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Journal of Neurotrauma 2019;36:1505-17. 
  29. Vande Vyvere T, Wilms G, Claes L, et al. Central versus local radiological reading of acute computed tomography characteristics in multi-center traumatic brain injury research. Journal of Neurotrauma 2019;36:1080-92.
  30. Volovici V, Ercole A, Citerio G, et al. Variation in guideline implementation and adherence regarding severe traumatic brain injury treatment: a CENTER-TBI survey study in Europe. World Neurosurgery 2019;125:e515-20.
  31. Posti JP, Takala RSK, Lagerstedt L, Dickens AM, Hossain I, Mohammadian M, Ala-Seppälä H, Frantzén J, van Gils M, Hutchinson PJ, Katila AJ, Maanpää H-R, Menon DK, Newcombe VF, Tallus J, Hrusovsky K, Wilson DH, Gill J, Sanchez J-C, Tenovuo O, Zetterberg H, Blennow K. Correlation of blood-based protein biomarkers with intracranial findings on CT after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2019;36:2178-89. 
  32. Heino I, Frantzén J, Rinne J, Girard R, Cao Y, Sajanti A, Katila AJ, Posti JP, Takala RSK, Tenovuo O, Koskimäki J. Risk factors for recurrent hematomas after surgery for acute traumatic subdural hematoma. World Neurosurgery 2019 Jan 10 (Epub ahead of print) 
  33. van Essen TA, den Boogert HF, Cnossen MC et al. Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2019;161:451-5. 
  34. Huijben JA, Wiegers EJA, de Keizer NF, et al. Development of a quality indicator set to measure and improve quality of ICU care for patients with traumatic brain injury. Critical Care 2019;23:95. 
  35. Iverson GL, Preethi R, Posti J, Tenovuo O, Öhman J, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Luoto T. Serum Neurofilament Light is Elevated Differentially in Older Adults with Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries. Journal of Neurotrauma 2019;36:2400-6. 
  36. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, et al. Univariate comparison of performance of different cerebrovascular reactivity indices for outcome association in adult TBI: a CENTER-TBI study. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 2019;161:1217-27. 
  37. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, et al. Compensatory-reserve-weighted intracranial pressure versus intracranial pressure for outcome association in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI validation study. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 2019;161:1275-84. 
  38. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Beqiri E, et al. Cerebrovascular reactivity is not associated with therapeutic intensity in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI analysis. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 2019;161:1955-64
  39. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, et al. Patient-specific ICP epidemiologic thresholds in adult traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI validation study. Journal of Neurosurgery and Anaesthesiology 2019 Jun 18 (Epub ahead of print) 
  40. Steyerberg EW, Wiegers E, Sewalt C, et al. The contemporary landscape of traumatic brain injury in Europe: Case-mix, care pathways, and outcomes from the CENTER-TBI study. Lancet Neurology 2019;18:923-34. 
  41. Gravesteijn BY, Sewalt CA, Ercole A, et al. Variation in the practice of tracheal intubation in Europe after traumatic brain injury: a prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia 2020;75:45-53. 
  42. Voormolen DC, Haagsma JA, Polinder S, ym. Post-Concussion Symptoms in Complicated vs. Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients at Three and Six Months Post-Injury: Results from the CENTER-TBI Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019;8:1921. 
  43. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Beqiri E, ym. Association between Cerebrovascular Reactivity Monitoring and Mortality is preserved when adjusting for baseline admission characteristics in Adult TBI: A CENTER-TBI Study. Journal of Neurotrauma 2020;37:1233-41.
  44. Gravesteijn B, Sewalt C, Ercole A, ym. Towards a new multidimensional classification of traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study. Journal of Neurotrauma 2020;37:1002-10. 
  45. Cnossen MC, van der Brande R, Lingsma HF, ym. Prehospital Trauma Care among 68 European Neurotrauma Centers: Results of the CENTER-TBI Provider Profiling Questionnaires. Journal of Neurotrauma 2018 Jul 24 [Epub ahead of print] 
  1. Huie JR, Mondello S, Lindsell CJ, Antiga L, Yuh EL, Zanier ER, Masson S, Rosario BL, Ferguson AR; Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) Investigators, The Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) Investigators, Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Participants and Investigators, Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Participants and Investigators. Biomarkers for traumatic brain injury: data standards and statistical considerations. J Neurotrauma 2020 Apr 1 (Epub ahead of print) 
  2. Lagerstedt L, Azurmendi L, Tenovuo O, ym. Interleukin 10 and Heart fatty acid-binding protein as early outcome predictors in patients with traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology 2020;11:376. 
  3. Zeiler FA, Mathieu F, Monteiro M, Glocker B, Ercole A, Beqiri E, Cabeleira M, Stocchetti N, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Newcombe V, Menon DK; CENTER-TBI High-Resolution ICU (HR ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Diffuse Intracranial Injury Patterns Are Associated with Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Validation Study. J Neurotrauma 2020;37:1597-1608.
  4. Zeiler FA, Beqiri E, Cabeleira M, Hutchinson PJ, Stocchetti N, Menon DK, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, Ercole A; Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) High-Resolution ICU (HR ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Brain Tissue Oxygen and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury Exploratory Analysis of Insult Burden. J Neurotrauma 2020;37:1854-63.
  5. van Veen E, van der Jagt M, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Epker JL, Gommers D, Burdorf L, Menon DK, Maas AIR, Lingsma HF, Kompanje EJO; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. End-of-life practices in traumatic brain injury patients: Report of a questionnaire from the CENTER-TBI study. J Crit Care 2020;58:78-88.
  6. Mathieu F, Guting H, Gravesteijn B, Monteiro MAB, Glocker B, Kornaropoulos EN, Kamnitsas K, Robertson CS, Levin H, Whitehouse DP, Das T, Lingsma HF, Maegele M, Newcombe V, Menon D. Impact of antithrombotic agents on radiological lesion progression in acute traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI propensity-matched cohort analysis. J Neurotrauma 2020;37:2069-80.
  7. van Wijk RPJ, van Dijck JTJM, Timmers M, van Veen E, Citerio G, Lingsma HF, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Peul WC, Stocchetti N, Kompanje EJO; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Informed consent procedures in patients with an acute inability to provide informed consent: Policy and practice in the CENTER-TBI study. J Crit Care 2020;59:6-15.
  8. Carroll EL, Manktelow AE, Outtrim JG, Chatfield D, Forsyth F, Hutchinson PJA, Tenovuo O, Posti JP, Wilson L, Sahakian BJ, Menon DK, Newcombe VFJ. Influence of Concomitant Extracranial Injury on Functional and Cognitive Recovery From Mild Versus Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2020 May 27. Online ahead of print.
  9. Hossain I, Mohammadian M, Takala RSK, Tenovuo O, ym. Admission levels of total tau and β-amyloid isoforms 1-40 and 1-42 in predicting the outcome of mild traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology 2020;11:325. 
  10. Feng J, van Veen E, Yang C, Huijben JA, Lingsma HF, Gao G, Jiang J, Maas AIR; Collaborative European Neuro Trauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Investigators and Participants. Comparison of Care System and Treatment Approaches for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in China versus Europe: A CENTER-TBI Survey Study. J Neurotrauma 2020;37:1806-17.
  11. Riemann L, Beqiri E, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Stocchetti N, Sakowitz O, Zweckberger K, Unterberg A, Younsi A; CENTER-TBI High Resolution ICU (HR ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Low-resolution pressure reactivity index and its derived optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study. Crit Care 2020;24:266. 
  12. Timmers M, van Dijck JTJM, van Wijk RPJ, Legrand V, van Veen E, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Kompanje EJO; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. How do 66 European institutional review boards approve one protocol for an international prospective observational study on traumatic brain injury? Experiences from the CENTER-TBI study. BMC Med Ethics. 2020;21:36.
  13. Czeiter E, Amrein K, Gravesteijn BY, Lecky F, Menon DK, Mondello S, Newcombe VFJ, Richter S, Steyerberg EW, Vyvere TV, Verheyden J, Xu H, Yang Z, Maas AIR, Wang KKW, Büki A; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Blood biomarkers on admission in acute traumatic brain injury: Relations to severity, CT findings and care path in the CENTER-TBI study. EBioMedicine 2020;56:102785.
  14. Carroll EL, Outtrim JG, Forsyth F, Manktelow AE, Hutchinson PJA, Tenovuo O, Posti JP, Wilson L, Sahakian BJ, Menon DK, Newcombe VFJ. Mild traumatic brain injury recovery: a growth curve modelling analysis over 2 years. Journal of Neurology 2020;35:E513-23.
  15. Voormolen DC, Polinder S, von Steinbuechel N, Feng Y, Wilson L, Oppe M, Haagsma JA; CENTER-TBI participants and investigators. Health-related quality of life after traumatic brain injury: deriving value sets for the QOLIBRI-OS for Italy, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. Quality of Life Research 2020;29:3095-107.
  16. Andelic N, Røe C, Brunborg C, Zeldovich M, Løvstad M, Løke D, Borgen IM, Voormolen DC, Howe EI, Forslund MV, Dahl HM, von Steinbuechel N; CENTER-TBI participants investigators. Frequency of fatigue and its changes in the first 6 months after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study. Journal of Neurology 2020 Jul 16 Online ahead of print.
  17. Mohammadian M, Roine T, Hirvonen J, Kurki T, Posti JP, Katila AJ, Takala RS, Tallus J, Maanpää HR, Frantzen J, Hutchinson PJ, Newcombe V, Menon DK, Tenovuo O. Alterations in microstructure and local fiber orientation of the white matter are associated with outcome following mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2020;37:2616-23.
  18. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Stocchetti N, Hutchinson PJ, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M; CENTER-TBI High Resolution (HR ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Descriptive analysis of low versus elevated intracranial pressure on cerebral physiology in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI exploratory study. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2020;162:2695-706.
  19. Jacob L, Cogné M, Tenovuo O, Røe C, Andelic N, Majdan M, Ranta J, Ylen P, Dawes H, Azouvi P. Predictors of access to rehabilitation in the year following traumatic brain injury: A European prospective and multicenter study. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2020;34:814-30.
  20. Gravesteijn BY, Sewalt CA, Nieboer D, Menon DK, Maas A, Lecky F, Klimek M, Lingsma HF; CENTER-TBI collaborators. Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre prospective observational study. Br J Anaesth 2020;125:505-17.
  21. Östberg A, Ledig C, Katila A, Maanpää HR, Posti JP, Takala R, Tallus J, Glocker B, Rueckert D, Tenovuo O. Volume change in frontal cholinergic structures after traumatic brain injury and cognitive outcome. Frontiers in Neurology 2020;11:832.
  22. Zeiler FA, Ercole A, Placek MM, Hutchinson PJ, Stocchetti N, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, CENTER-TBI High-Resolution ICU (HR-ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Association between physiological signal complexity and outcomes in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI exploratory analysis of multi-scale entropy. J Neurotrauma 2021;38:272-82.
  23. Carra G, Güiza F, Depreitere B, Meyfroidt G, CENTER-TBI High-Resolution ICU (HR-ICU) Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Prediction model for intracranial hypertension demonstrates robust performance during external validation on CENTER-TBI dataset. Intensive Care Med 2021;47:124-6.
  24. Posti JP, Takala R, Raj R, Luoto TM, Azurmendi L, Lagerstedt L, Mohammadian M, Hossain I, Gill JM, Frantzén J, Van Gils M, Hutchinson PJ, Katila AJ, Koivikko P, Maanpää H-R, Menon DK, Newcombe V, Tallus J, Blennow K, Tenovuo O, Zetterberg H, Sanchez J-C. Admission Levels of Interleukin 10 and Amyloid ß 1-40 Improve the Outcome Prediction Performance of the Helsinki Computed Tomography Score in Traumatic Brain Injury. Front Neurol 2020 Oct 30;11:549527
  25. Mikolić A, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Retel Helmrich IRA, Giacino JT, Maas AIR, van der Naalt J, Voormolen DC, von Steinbüchel N, Wilson L, Lingsma HF, van Klaveren D, the CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Prediction of global functional outcome and post-concussive symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury: external validation of prognostic models in the CENTER-TBI study. J Neurotrauma 2021;38:196-209.
  26. Mikolić A, van Klaveren D, Oude Groeniger J, Wiegers EJA, Lingsma HF, Zeldovich M, von Steinbüchel N, Maas AIR, Roeters van Lennep JE, Polinder S; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Differences between men and women in treatment and outcome after traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2021;38:235-51.
  27. Zeiler FA, Mathieu F, Monteiro MAB, Glocker B, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Stocchetti N, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Newcombe V, Menon D, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Systemic markers of injury and injury response are not associated with impaired cerebrovascular reactivity in adult TBI: A CENTER-TBI study. J Neurotrauma 2020 Oct 23 (Online ahead of print)
  28. Rass V, Huber L, Ianosi BA, Kofler M, Lindner A, Picetti E, Ortolano F, Beer R, Rossi S, Smielewski P, Stocchetti N, Helbok R; CENTER-TBI HR ICU Investigators and Participants. The Effect of Temperature Increases on Brain Tissue Oxygen Tension in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury Substudy. Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag 2020 Nov 17 (Online ahead of print)
  29. Dijkland SA, Helmrich IRAR, Nieboer D, van der Jagt M, Dippel DWJ, Menon DK, Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Lingsma HF, Steyerberg EW; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Outcome prediction after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: external validation of two established prognostic models in 1742 European patients. J Neurotrauma 2020 Dec 14 (Online ahead of print)
  30. Borgen IMH, Røe C, Brunborg C, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Dawes H, Majdan M, Ranta J, Rusnak M, Eveline JAW, Tverdal C, Jacob L, Gogné M, Steinbuchel NV, Andelic N; CENTER-TBI participants and investigators. Care transitions in the first 6 months following traumatic brain injury: Lessons from the CENTER-TBI study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med 2020 Nov 24:S1877-0657(20)30217-7 (Online ahead of print)
  31. Wilson L, Horton L, Kunzmann K, Sahakian BJ, Newcombe VF, Stamatakis EA, von Steinbuechel N, Cunitz K, Covic A, Maas A, Van Praag D, Menon D; CENTER-TBI participants and investigators. Understanding the relationship between cognitive performance and function in daily life after traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2020 Dec 2 (Online ahead of print)
  32. Böhm JK, Güting H, Thorn S, Schäfer N, Rambach V, Schöchl H, Grottke O, Rossaint R, Stanworth S, Curry N, Lefering R, Maegele M; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Global characterization of coagulopathy in isolated traumatic brain injury (iTBI): A CENTER-TBI analysis. Neurocrit Care 2020 Dec 11 (Online ahead of print)
  33. Åkerlund CA, Donnelly J, Zeiler FA, Helbok R, Holst A, Cabeleira M, Güiza F, Meyfroidt G, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, Stocchetti N, Ercole A, Nelson DW; CENTER-TBI High Resolution ICU Sub-Study Participants and Investigators. Impact of duration and magnitude of raised intracranial pressure on outcome after severe traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI high resolution group study. PLoS One 2020;15:e0243427.
  34. Gravesteijn BY, Sewalt CA, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, Ercole A, Lingsma HF, von Steinbüchel N, Steyerberg EW, Wilson L, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Lecky FE; CENTER-TBI collaborators. Prehospital management of traumatic brain injury across Europe: A CENTER-TBI study. Prehosp Emerg Care 2020 Oct 1 (Online ahead of print)
  35. Arango-Lasprilla JC, Zeldovich M, Olabarrieta-Landa L, Forslund MV, Núnez-Fernández S, von Steinbuechel N, Howe EI, Røe C, Andelic N, Center-Tbi Participants and Investigators. Early predictors of employment status one year post injury in individuals with traumatic brain injury in Europe. J Clin Med 2020;9:2007.
  36. Zeldovich M, Wu YJ, Gorbunova A, Mikolic A, Polinder S, Plass AM, Covic A, Asendorf T, Andelic N, Voormolen DC, von Steinbüchel N, on behalf of the Center-TBI participants and investigators. Influence of Sociodemographic, Premorbid, and Injury-Related Factors on Post-Concussion Symptoms after Traumatic Brain Injury.

J Clin Med 2020;9:1931.

  1. Riemann L, Zweckberger K, Unterberger A, El Damaty A, Younsi A; Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Investigators and Participants. Injury causes and severity in pediatric traumatic brain injury patients admitted to the ward or intensive care unit: A collaborative European neurotrauma effectiveness research in traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Front Neurol 2020;11:345.
  2. Robba C, Banzato E, Rebora P, Iaquaniello C, Huang CY, Wiegers EJA, Meyfroidt G, Citerio G; Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) ICU Participants and Investigators. Acute kidney injury Critical Care Medicine 2021;49:112-26.
  3. Gravesteijn BY, Sewalt CA, Venema E, Nieboer D, Steyerberg EW, CENTER-TBI Collaborators. Missing data in prediction research: A five-step approach for multiple imputation, illustrated in the CENTER-TBI study. J Neurotrauma 2021 Feb 25 (online ahead of print).
  4. Huijben JA, Dixit A, Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Lingsma HF, van der Jagt M, Nelson D, Citerio G, Wilson L, Menon DK, Ercole A, CENTER-TBI Investigators and Participants. Use and impact of high intensity treatments in patients with traumatic brain injury across Europe: a CENTER-TBI analysis. Critical Care 2021;25:78.
  5. Saarinen M, Erkinjuntti N, Koskinen S, Himanen L, Vahlberg T, Tenovuo O, Lähdesmäki T. Prolonged injury symptoms and later visits to psychiatric care after mild traumatic brain injury in school-age. Brain Injury 2021 Mar 7 (online ahead of print).
  6. Andelic N, Røe C, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Dawes H, Majdan M, Ranta J, Howe EI, Wiegers EJA, Tverdal C, Borgen I, Forslund MV, Kleffelgaard I, Dahl HM, Jacob L, Cogné M, Lu J, von Steinbuechel N, Zeldovich M. Unmet Rehabilitation Needs after Traumatic Brain Injury across Europe: Results from the CENTER-TBI Study. J Clin Med 2021;10:1035.
  7. Richter S, Winzeck S, Kornaropoulos EN, Das T, Vande Vyvere T, Verheyden J, Williams GB, Correia MM, Menon DK, Newcombe VFJ; Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CENTER-TBI MRI) Substudy Participants and Investigators. Neuroanatomical Substrates and Symptoms Associated With Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Patients With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Mar 1;4(3):e210994. 
  8. Dimitri GM, Beqiri E, Czosnyka M, Ercole A, Smielewski P, Lio P, CENTER-TBI High Resolution Substudy Participants and Investigators. Analysis of cardio-cerebral crosstalk events in an adult cohort from the CENTER-TBI study. Acta Neurochir. Suppl. 2021;131:39-42.
  9. Liberti A, Beqiri E, Ercole A, Cabeleira M, Tas J, Zeiler FA, Czosnyka M, Smielewski P, Aries MJ; CENTER-TBI High Resolution Substudy Participants and Investigators. Patient’s clinical presentation and CPPopt availability: Any association? Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2021;131:167-72.
  10. Wiegers EJA, Trapani T, Gabbe BJ, Gantner D, Lecky F, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Murray L, Rosenfeld JV, Vallance S, Lingsma HF, Steyerberg EW, Cooper DJ; CENTER-TBI and OzENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Characteristics, management and outcomes of patients with severe traumatic brain injury in Victoria, Australia compared to United Kingdom and Europe: A comparison between two harmonized prospective cohorts. Injury 2021 Apr 20 (Online ahead of print).
  11. Riemann L, Voormolen DC, Rauen K, Zweckberger K, Unterberg A, Younsi A; Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Investigators and Participants. Persistent postconcussive symptoms in children and adolescents with mild traumatic brain injury receiving initial head computed tomography. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2021 Feb 26 (online ahead of print) 
  12. Yuh EL, Jain S, Sun X ym. Pathological computed tomography features associated with adverse outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury: A TRACK-TBI study with external validation in CENTER-TBI. Jama Neurol 2021 Jul 17 (online ahead of print)
  13. Citerio G, Robba C, Rebora P, Petrosino M, Rossi E, Malgeri L, Stocchetti N, Galimberti S, Menon DK; Center-TBI participants and investigators. Management of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the first week after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study. Intensive Care Med 2021 Jul 24 (online ahead of print)
  14. Wiegers EJA, Lingsma HF, Huijbe JA ym. Fluid balance and outcome in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI and OzENTER-TBI): a prospective, multicentre, comparative effectiveness study. Lancet Neurol 2021;20:627-38.
  15. Birg T, Ortolano F, Wiegers EJA, Smielewski P, Savchenko Y, Ianosi BA, Helbok R, Rossi S, Carbonara M, Zoerle T, Stocchetti N; CENTER-TBI Investigators and Participants. Brain temperature influences intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure after traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI study. Neurocrit Care 2021 Jul 30 (online ahead of print)
  16. Retel Helmrich IRA, van Klaveren D, Dijkland SA ym. Development of prognostic models for Health-Related Quality of Life following traumatic brain injury. Qual Life Res 2021 Jul 30 (online ahead of print)
  17. Sewalt CA, Gravesteijn BY, Menon D, Lingsma HF, Maas AIR. Stocchetti N, Venema E, Lecky FE; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Primary versus early secondary referral to a specialized neurotrauma center in patients with moderate/severe traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021;29:113.
  18. van Veen E, van der Jagt M, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Gommers D, Burdorf A, Menon DK, Maas AIR, Kompanje EJO, Lingsma HF; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Occurrence and timing of withdrawal of life-sustaining measures in traumatic brain injury patients: a CENTER-TBI study. Intensive Care Med 2021 Aug 5 (online ahead of print).
  19. Ercole A, Dixit A, Nelson DW, et al. Imputation strategies for missing baseline neurological assessment covariates after traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI study. PLoS One 2021;16:e0253425.
  20. Lecky FE, Otesile O, Marincowitz C, et al. The burden of traumatic injury from low-energy falls among patients from 18 counries in the CENTER-TBI Registry: A comparative cohort study. PLoS Med 2021;18:e1003761
  21. Dimitri GM, Beqiri E, Placek MM, et al. Modeling brain-heart crosstalk information in patients with traumatic brain injury. Neurocrit Care 2021 Oct 12 (Online ahead of print)
  22. Horton L, Rhodes J, Menon DK, et al. Questionnaires vs interviews for the assessment of global functional outcomes after traumatic brain injury. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4:e2134121.
  23. Ceyisakar IE, Huijben JA, Maas AIR et al. Can we cluster ICU treatment strategies for traumatic brain injury by hospital treatment preferences? Neurocrit Care 2021 Dec 6 (Online ahead of print)
  24. Puybasset L, Perlbarg V, Unrug J, et al. Prognostic value of global deep white matter DTI metrics for 1-year outcome prediction in ICU traumatic brain injury patients: an MRI-COMA and CENTER-TBI combined study. Intensive Care Med 2022 Dec 14 (Online ahead of print)
  25. Böhm JK, Schaeben V, Schäfer N, et al. Extended coagulation profiling in isolated traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI analysis. Neurocrit Care 2021 Dec 16 (Online ahead of print)
  26. Whitehouse DP, Monteiro M, Czeiter E, et al. Relationship of admission blood proteomic biomarkers levels to lesion type and lesion burden in traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI study. EBioMedicine 2021 Dec 24 (Online ahead of print)
  27. Roine T, Mohammadian M, Hirvonen J, Kurki T, Posti JP, Takala RSK, Newcombe VFJ, Tallus J, Katila AJ, Maanpää H-R, Frantzén J, Menon D, Tenovuo O. Structural brain connectivity correlates with outcome in mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2022 Jan 12 (Online ahead of print)
  28. Koivikko P, Posti JP, Mohammadian M, Lagerstedt L, Azurmendi L, Hossain I, Katila AJ, Menon DK, Newcombe VFJ, Hutchinson PJ; Maanpää H-R, Tallus J, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Tenovuo O, Sanchez J-C, Takala RSK. Potential of heart fatty-acid binding protein, neurofilament light, interleukin-10 and S100 calcium[1]binding protein B in the acute diagnostics and severity assessment of traumatic brain injury. Emerg Med J 2021 Dec 16 (Online ahead of print)
  29. Mikolic A, Groeniger JO, Zeldovich M, et al. Explaining outcome differences between men and women following mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2021;38:3315-31.
  30. Raukola-Lindblom M, Ljungqvist L, Kurki T, Tenovuo O, Laasonen M. Cognitive-linguistic outcome in moderate to severe diffuse axonal injury and association with fatigue. Brain Injury 2022 Jan 11 (Online ahead of print)
  31. Galimberti S, Graziano F, Maas AIR, et al. Effect of frailty on 6-month outcome after traumatic brain injury: a multicentre cohort study with external validation. Lancet Neurol 2022;21:153-62.

 Katsausartikkelit ja pääkirjoitukset: 

  1. Tenovuo O. Cholinergic treatment of traumatic brain injury. Current Drug Therapy 2006;1:187-209. (Aivovamman kolinerginen lääkehoito)
  2. Tenovuo O. Pharmacological enhancement of cognitive and behavioral deficits after traumatic brain injury. Curr Opin Neurol 2006;19:528-33. (Aivovamman aiheuttamien kognitiivisten ja käytöshäiriöiden lääkehoito)
  3. Tenovuo O. Central pain after brain trauma – a neglected problem in neglected victims. Pain 2007;131:241-2. (Krooninen kipu aivovamman jälkeen, laiminlyöty ongelma laiminlyödyillä potilailla)
  4. Tosetti P, Hicks RR, Theriault E, Phillips A, Koroshetz W, Draghia-Akli R; Workshop Participants. Toward an international initiative for traumatic brain injury research. Journal of Neurotrauma 2013;30:1211-22.
  5. Saltychev M, Eskola M, Tenovuo O, Laimi K. Return to work after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review. Brain Injury 2013;27:1516-27.
  6. Maas AIR, Menon DK, Steyerberg EW, et al. Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI): A Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study. Neurosurgery 2015;76:67-80.
  7. Uteshev VV, Tenovuo O, Gaidhani N. The cholinergic potential, the vagus nerve and challenges in treatment of traumatic brain injury. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2016;22:2083-92.
  8. Posti JP, Dickens A, Orešič M, Hyötyläinen T, Tenovuo O. Metabolomics profiling as a diagnostic tool in severe traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology 2017 Aug 18;8:398.  
  9. Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD ym. Traumatic brain injury – integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Neurology 2017;16:987-1048 
  10. Zetterberg H, Winblad B, Bernick C, Yaffe K, Majdan M, Johansson G, Newcombe V, Nyberg L, Sharp D, Tenovuo O, Blennow K. Head trauma in sports – clinical characteristics, epidemiology and biomarkers. Journal of Internal Medicine 2019;285:624-34.
  11. RÆe C, Tverdal C, Howe EI, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Andelic N. Randomized controlled trials of rehabilitation services in the post-acute phase of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury – a systematic review. Frontiers in Neurology 2019;10:557. 
  12. Tenovuo O, Diaz-Arrastia R, Goldstein LE, Sharp DJ, van der Naalt J, Zasler ND. Assessing the severity of traumatic brain injury – time for a change? J Clin Med 2021;10:148.
  13. Tenovuo O, Janigro D, Sanchez JC, Undén J. Editorial: Biomarkers of Brain Damage - A Complex Challenge With Great Potential. Front Neurol 2021;12:664445. 
  14. Hamdeh SA, Tenovuo O, Peul W, Marklund N. ”Omics” in traumatic brain injury – novel approaches to a complex disease. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2021 Jul 17 Online ahead of print

 Kirjoitukset aivovammoista kansainvälisissä oppikirjoissa: 

  1. Tenovuo O, Bullock RM, Zafonte R. International systems of care and research agendas. Kirjassa: Zasler ND, Katz DI, Zafonte RD (eds). Brain Injury Medicine, 2nd Ed., Demos Medical Publishing, 2012.
  2. Andelic N, Sigurdardottir S, Tenovuo O. Rehabilitation after severe TBI. Kirjassa: SundstrÆm T, Grände P-O, Luoto T, Rosenlund C, Unden J, Wester K. Management of severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls. 2nd Ed. Springer-Verlag, 2020.
  3. Tenovuo O, Andelic N, Sigurdardottir S. Long-term follow-up. Kirjassa: SundstrÆm T, Grände P-O, Luoto T, Rosenlund C, Unden J, Wester K. Management of severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls. 2nd Ed. Springer-Verlag, 2020.
  4. Majdan M, Ingebrigtsen T, Tenovuo O. Epidemiology. Kirjassa: SundstrÆm T, Grände P-O, Luoto T, Rosenlund C, Unden J, Wester K. Management of severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls. 2nd Ed. Springer-Verlag, 2020.
  5. Tenovuo O, Majdan M, Andelic N. Socioeconomic consequences. Kirjassa: SundstrÆm T, Grände P-O, Luoto T, Rosenlund C, Unden J, Wester K. Management of severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls. 2nd Ed. Springer-Verlag, 2020.
  6. Marklund N, Tenovuo O. Pathophysiology of severe TBI. Kirjassa: SundstrÆm T, Grände P-O, Luoto T, Rosenlund C, Unden J, Wester K. Management of severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls. 2nd Ed. Springer-Verlag, 2020.
  7. Tenovuo O, Bullock RM, Zafonte R. International systems of care and research agendas. Kirjassa: Zasler ND, Katz DI, Zafonte RD (eds). Brain Injury Medicine, 3rd Ed., Springer  Publishing Company 2022.
  8. Posti JP, Tenovuo O. Biomarkers of traumatic brain injury. Kirjassa: Honeybul S, Kolias AG (eds). Traumatic Brain Injury: Science, Practice, Evidence and Ethics. Springer Nature 2021.

Kongressiabstraktit kansainvälisissä kongresseissa: >60 kappaletta.


Esitykset kansainvälisissä kongresseissa: 

  1. How to better predict the course of traumatic brain injury? (27.2.1998 Käpylä-seminaari, Helsinki)
  2. Central acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of chronic traumatic brain injury – clinical experience in 100 patients (25.5.2003, 5th World Congress on Brain Injury, Tukholma)
  3. Drug treatment of chronic traumatic brain injury (7.5.2004, International Symposium on Holistic Rehabilitation, Helsinki)
  4. Traumatic brain injury and ChEI’s (22.4.2005, Second Nordic Dementia Meeting, Tukholma)
  5. Traumatic brain injury in Finland (17.6.2005, Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium 2005, Kuopio)
  6. Posttraumatic encephalopathy (26.8.2005, Who Cares? – Euroopan Kehitysvammalääkärit, Lahti)
  7. Traumatic brain injury or psychiatric disorder? (1.4.2006, Acute Psychiatry Symposium, Levi)
  8. The clinical spectrum of chronic pain syndromes after TBI  (9.4.2008, VIIth World Congress on Brain Injury, Lissabon 9.-12.4.2008)
  9. Developing centers of excellence for TBI care (10.4.2008, VIIth World Congress on Brain Injury, Lissabon 9.-12.4.2008)
  10. Creating and networking of TBI centers (13.3.2010, VIIIth World Congress on Brain Injury, Washington 11.-14.3.2010)
  11. Pharmacotherapy in managing pediatric acquired brain injury (25.3.2010, Symposium on Pediatric Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Helsinki)
  12. TBIcare – a new way to use traumatic brain injury biomarkers (7.5.2011, Biomarkers of Brain Disease, Lund)
  13. Traumatisk hjärnskada – viktiga aspekter om primär- och eftertillstånd, diagnostik
    samt behandling (23.9.2011, Nackskadeseminarium, Mariehamn)
  14. A new way to use traumatic brain injury biomarkers (19.10.2011, Workshop "Towards an International Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury Research (InTBIR)", Bryssel)
  15. Future challenges in epidemiology and outcome research (24.3.2012, IXth World Congress on Brain Injury, Edinburgh)
  16. Diffusion tensor tractography-based analysis of long association tracts in patients with traumatic brain injury without findings in routine MRI (23.3.2012, IXth World Congress on Brain Injury, Edinburgh)
  17. TBIcare – a new way to use traumatic brain injury biomarkers (22.3.2012, IXth World Congress on Brain Injury, Edinburgh)
  18. When to suspect a brain injury in whiplash patients? (16.8.2013, 14th Physiatric Summer School, Helsinki)
  19. Diffuse axonal injury – the invisible enemy (27.8.2013, 32nd Congress of the Scandinavian Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Turku)
  20. Clinical summary of the TBIcare study (17.1.2014, 1st Turku Traumatic Brain Injury Symposium, Turku)
  21. Diagnostics of traumatic brain injury – should we do better? (17.1.2014, 1st Turku Traumatic Brain Injury Symposium, Turku)
  22. Towards evidence-based individual decision-making in TBI. (6.3.2014, Symposium on Holistic Neurorehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury, Helsinki)
  23. Myths and misconceptions in TBI medicine. (6.3.2014, Symposium on Holistic Neurorehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury, Helsinki)
  24. Challenges of the diagnostics of acute TBIs. (26.5.2014, CENTER-TBI Workshop, Oslo)
  25. Traumatic brain injury or whiplash – both or neither? (7.3.2015, Neck Injury Symposium, Stockholm)
  26. An overview on the clinical needs for TBI biomarkers. (15.9.2015, The 7th International Conference on Biochemical Markers for Brain Damage, Lund)
  27. Towards evidence-based diagnostics of traumatic brain injuries. (10.11.2015, CHARM-symposium, Oslo)
  28. Organizing the post-acute care of TBI in Europe. (5.3.2016, XIth World Congress on Brain Injury, The Hague)
  29. An overview on the clinical needs for TBI biomarkers (29.3.2017, XIIth World Congress on Brain Injury, New Orleans)
  30. Challenges in care coordination for TBIs with long-term health care needs (30.3.2017, XIIth World Congress on Brain Injury, New Orleans)
  31. The role of early biomarkers and metabolites for outcome prediction after TBI (26.6.2017. European Academy of Neurology, Amsterdam)
  32. Neurotrauma – global aspects. (13.11.2017 1st Nordic Neurotrauma Conference, Lund)
  33. Is traumatic brain injury a chronic progressive disease? (14.11.2017 1st Nordic Neurotrauma Conference, Lund
  34. Metabolomic biomarkers as a new window for TBI (24.5.2018 Head Trauma and Risk for Dementia, Stockholm)
  35. Biomarkers in the diagnostics of TBI – a glorious future? (26.5.2018 14th Baltic Neurosurgery Congress, Tartu)
  36. Metabolomic biomarkers (13.12.2018 EANS Congress on Neurotrauma and Critical Care, Lund)
  37. White matter changes following mild traumatic brain injury are associated with outcome (15.3.2019, XIIIth World Congress on Brain Injury, Toronto)
  38. Drug treatment of TBI sequels – principles and practice (20.11.2019 2nd Nordic Neurotrauma Conference, Lund)
  39. Clinical aspects of TBI (22.11.2019 Symposium on biomechanics of TBI, Stockholm) 

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Aivovammoihin liittyvää kansainvälistä tutkimusyhteistyötä seuraavien ulkomaisten oppi- tai tutkimuslaitosten kanssa (22 kpl): University of Cambridge (UK), Imperial College of London (UK), University of Oxford Brooke’s (UK), University Hospital of Antwerp (Belgia), University of California, San Fransisco (USA), US University of the Health Sciences (USA), Indiana University (USA), University of Pennsylvania (USA), Harvard University (USA), Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare (USA), Erasmus University of Rotterdam (Alankomaat), University of Groeningen (Alankomaat), Nencki Institute (Puola), Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin (Ranska), Université de Marseilles (Ranska), University of Geneve (Sveitsi), Oslo University Hospital (Norja), Trnava University (Slovakia), University of Valencia (Espanja), Karolinska Institutet (Ruotsi), Örebron yliopisto (Ruotsi), Göteborgin yliopisto (Ruotsi).

Kotimaiset ansiot

Aikuisiän aivovammojen Käypä hoito asiantuntijatyöryhmän puheenjohtaja 1997 - 2005, Suomen Neurologisen yhdistyksen edustajana.

Julkaisut aivovammoista kotimaisissa lehdissä:


  1. Tenovuo O, Alaranta H, Kaipio M-L, Malmivaara A, Nybo T, Ojala M, Salonen O, Turkka J, Wallin M, Öhman J. Aikuisiän aivovammat – Käypä hoito –suositus. Duodecim 2003;119:654-81.
  2. Tenovuo O. Osaatko tunnistaa ja arvioida akuutin aivovamman? Suomen Lääkärilehti 2004; 59:4973-8.
  3. Tenovuo O. Testaa tietosi aivovammoista. Yleislääkäri 2006;21:8-12.
  4. Tenovuo O, Vataja R, Salonen O, Laaksonen R. Aivovamman jälkitilan diagnostiikka ja arviointi. Suomen Lääkärilehti 2007;62:3859-66.
  5. Tenovuo O. Pitäisikö aivovammojen epidemiologiasta olla huolissaan? Suomen Lääkärilehti 2008;63:1155-6 (pääkirjoitus).
  6. Joelsson P, Tenovuo O, Tuominen R. Aivovammojen aiheuttamat hoitokustannukset ja tuotannonmenetykset. Suomen Lääkärilehti 2011;66:2771-5.
  7. Kurki T, Tenovuo O. Aivovammojen diagnostiikka on kehittymässä. Suomen Lääkärilehti 2014;69:451.
  8. Luoto T, Tenovuo O. Pään vammat – Skandinaavinen näyttöön perustuva hoitosuositus. Suomen Lääkärilehti 2016;71:2584-6 .


Kirjoitukset aivovammoista kotimaisissa oppikirjoissa:


  1. Tenovuo O. Aivotautien ja -vammojen aiheuttamat kognitiiviset häiriöt. Kirjassa: Revonsuo A, Lang H, Aaltonen O (toim.) Mieli ja aivot - kognitiivinen neurotiede. Kognitiivisen Neurotieteen Tutkimusyksikkö, Turun Yliopisto 1996.
  2. Tenovuo O. Kognitiiviset häiriöt neurologisissa sairauksissa. Aivovammat. Kirjassa: Erkinjuntti T, Rinne J, Alhainen K, Soininen H (toim.). Muistihäiriöt ja dementia. Kustannus Oy Duodecim, Helsinki 2001, uusitut painokset 2006 ja 2010.
  3. Tenovuo O. Aivovammojen luokittelu ja alkuhoito. Kirjassa: Aivovammakuntoutus, Kustannus Oy Duodecim 2012.
  4. Tenovuo O. Lääkehoidon mahdollisuudet kuntoutuksessa. Kirjassa: Aivovammakuntoutus, Kustannus Oy Duodecim 2012.


Kutsusta pidettyjä kotimaisia esitelmiä aivovammoista: 141 kappaletta.


Käynnissä olevat väitöskirjojen ohjaustyöt 

  1. New methods for the diagnostics of mild traumatic brain injury (neurologia, TY)
  2. Studies on biomarkers in acute severe traumatic brain injury (anestesiologia, TY)
  3. Studies on the mechanisms of post-traumatic epilepsy (neurologia, TY)
  4. Outcome and care of traumatic brain injuries in childhood (neuropsykologia, TY)
  5. Association between craniofacial fractures and brain injuries: diagnostic and therapeutic considerations (hammaslääketiede, TY)
  6. Traumatic brain injury and long-term outcome (neurologia, TY)
  7. Language disorders and white matter disruption after traumatic brain injury (logopedia, TY)
  8. Diffusion tensor imaging and brain volumetry in assessing traumatic brain injury (neurotieteet, TY)
  9. Neurological manifestations in patients with whiplash (neurotieteet, TY) 

Ohjatut opinnäytetyöt 

  1. Psyk.yo Milla Hormaluoma: Voidaanko aivovammojen jälkitiloja tutkia auditiivisilla herätevasteilla? Pro gradu –tutkielma, Turun Yliopisto 2002. 
  2. PsM Leena Himanen: Cognitive functions in relation to MRI findings and ApoE4 30 years after traumatic brain injury. Lisensiaattityö, Turun Yliopisto 2003.
  3. Psyk.yo Anna-Kaisa Antila. Lievät aivovammat ja pitkittyneeseen jälkitilaan liittyvät oireet. Pro gradu –tutkielma, Turun Yliopisto 2004.
  4. LL Salla Koponen. Psychiatric sequelae of traumatic brain injury. Ann Univ Turkuensis 2006. 90 p. Väitöskirja, Turun Yliopisto.
  5. LK Anu Mäkinen. Taustatekijöiden vaikutus tajunnan tason ja muistiaukon keston luotettavuuteen aivovamman vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa. Syventävät opinnot, Turun Yliopisto, 2006.
  6. LK Marcus Sucksdorff. Miksi akuutti aivovamma jää diagnosoimatta? Syventävät opinnot, Turun Yliopisto, 2007.
  7. LL Heli Hiekkanen: Apolipoprotein E and recovery from traumatic brain injury. Ann Univ Turkuensis 2009. 97 p. Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto.
  8. LK Petteri Joelsson: Aivovammojen aiheuttamat kustannukset ja tuotannonmenetykset. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2011.
  9. PsL Leena Himanen: Long-term cognitive sequelae of traumatic brain injury. Ann Univ Turkuensis 2011. 102 p. Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto.
  10. Assi Aalto, Sofia Ajo: Lievä aivovamma – kyselytutkimus tunnistamisen, hoidon ja jälkiseurannan ohjeistuksista. Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu 2012 (Ensihoidon koulutusohjelma).
  11. LL Nina Brandstack: Detection of pathologic changes following traumatic brain injury using magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Univ Turkuensis 2013. 76 p. Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto.
  12. LL Teemu Luoto: Clinical assessment of acute mild traumatic brain injury. Acta Univ Tamperensis 2014. 126 p. Väitöskirja, Tampereen yliopisto.
  13. LK Henna-Riikka Maanpää: Iän merkitys posttraumaattisissa aivojen tilavuusmuutoksissa. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2014.
  14. LK Vesa-Matti Kuittinen: Päivystyspoliklinikoilta kotiutettavien aivovammapotilaiden profiili suomalaisessa aineistossa. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2016.
  15. LK Anna Kyllönen: Yleisesti aivovammoista ja erityisesti posttraumaattisesta amnesiasta. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2016.
  16. LK Jenni Yliaho: Näköjärjestelmän toimintahäiriöiden tutkiminen aivovammojen diagnostiikassa. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2017.
  17. LK Jessina Uski. Posttraumatic epilepsy. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2018.
  18. MD Michael Lowery Wilson: Pediatric traumatic brain injury in Finland – contextual influences and threat to caregiver capacity. Ann Univ Turkuensis 2018. 107 p. Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto.
  19. LK Ossi Niemelä. Päivystyspoliklinikalta kotiutettavien aivovammapotilaiden toipumisennuste. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2019.
  20. LK Elina Kiema. Akuuttia sairaalahoitoa vaatineiden aivovammapotilaiden hoitopolku. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto, 2019.
  21. LL Anna Östberg. Kolinerginen järjestelmä aivovamman jälkitiloissa. Ann Univ Turkuensis 2019. 100 pp. Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto.
  22. Psyk. yo Eetu Ahonen. Aivokurkiaisen vaurioitumisen yhteys kognitiivisiin löydöksiin tapaturmaisen aivovamman saaneilla potilailla. Pro gradu -tutkielma, Turun yliopisto, 2020.
  23. LK Noora Kangassalo. Teho-osastohoidossa olleiden aivovammapotilaiden sekundaariset komplikaatiot kolmen kuukauden seurantajakson aikana. Syventävät opinnot, Turun yliopisto 2020.
  24. Psyk. yo Olli Airola. Elämänlaatu aivovamman jälkeen. Pro gradu -tutkielma, Turun yliopisto, 2020.
  25. PsM Jaana Sarajuuri. Comprehensive-holistic neurorehabilitation, outcomes and their subjective appraisal in adults with traumatic brain injury. 217 pp. Väitöskirja, Helsingin yliopisto, 2020.
  26. LL Md Iftikhar Hossain. Acute biochemical diagnostics of mild traumatic brain injury - a clinical study. Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto, 2020.
  27. FL Mehrbod Mohammadian. Microstructural analysis of diffuse axonal injury after traumatic brain injury using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto, 2021.


  • Aivovammoja käsittelevien väitöskirjojen ennakkotarkastajana (3 kpl) ja vastaväittäjänä (4 kpl, Suomi, Ruotsi x 2 ja Sveitsi)
  • Aivovammoista annettuja oikeudellisia asiantuntijalausuntoja > 150 tapauksesta.
  • Aivovammoihin liittyvissä riita- tai rikosasioissa asiantuntijatodistajana > 100 tapauksessa.
  • Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin yhteisen eettisen toimikunnan jäsen 2009 –2017
  • TY lääket. tiedekunnan opetusvastuu aivovammoista 2009-